Idaho Falls, ID Family Photographer: John and Krista's Family

November 20, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
This family is one of my favorites, and here's why, not only were our kids good friends before we moved, but I knew them really well. We always have a blast during their portrait sessions, and this time wasn't any different. Here's your proof.


The beautiful ladies of the family. And they just keep getting more lovely.

 And of course, we can't forget the handsome men of the home! You're never too big to sit (or lean) on Dad's knee.


I love this image of John and Krista. They don't show any personal displays of affection that I've really ever seen in all the time I've known them, but you can definitely tell they love one another.

And they have beautiful children!

This handsome little man, can be so bashful, but once you get him warmed up, he's hard to stop!

And this sweet and adorable young lady. I remember the first time I took her portraits she had a scratch on her face. She was so upset and worried about the scratch that she was almost near tears. I sat down with her and explained that the scratch would not be in her portraits, that I would remove it, and she cheered right up. We've had fun with her portraits ever since...

...can you tell?

Now, here's the teenager of the bunch. I don't know a whole lot about teenage girls, but this is one thing that I do know for sure. If they've done their hair and are wearing an outfit they like, then they love having their portraits taken.

I tried a different technique this time and I really like the result!

Love the lighting and the model!!

Here's another thing I know about teenage girls, they love picking their backdrop and pose. I just make minor tweaks to things and call it good!

Love you guys! Thanks for giving me another opportunity to do your family portraits! You're a wonderful family!


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